Thursday, April 30, 2015

And the Rain Is Over

it finally stopped raining today and i could get out and on my fav trampoline

konecne prestalo prset a ja mohl jit ven na moji oblibenou trampolinu

What I Do When I Want Something

when i would like to have something i try to ask politely and to look as cute as i can
mostly i do this when i would like to have
1. a treat
2. a toy 
3. food 
4. stinky socks
5. when J is in the bathtub and I really want to lick her wet hand

kdyz neco chci, tak slusne poprosim a snazim se vypadat co nejroztomileji
delam to hlavne, kdyz chci
1. piskutek
2. hracku 
3. jidlo   
4. smradlave ponozky
5. kdyz je J ve vane a ja ji chci olizovat mokrou ruku 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Exploring the Garden

and tasting the dandelions. i saw J picking the dandelion leaves and making some tea out of it so i figured it could be good for me too :-)

videl jsem, ze J trhala pampeliskove listy a delala z nich caj, tak jsem si rekl, ze by bylo prima je take ochutnat :-)

the tasting got me really tired

a to me docela unavilo 

so i drifted off ...

az jsem z toho usnul 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I Am Stronger

i am stronger despite my milk teeth ...

jsem silnejsi i kdyz mam jen mlecne zoubky ...

(nobody argues with that ... ha!)

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Wild Yeti

me excited after having played in the garden

ja cely rozdivoceny po hre na zahrade 

A Few Tricks I Learn

a few tricks i learned so far ...
(ok i can do it even better but i get bit nervous when i am being filmed, you know ... ;-)

par kousku co jsem se uz naucil ...
(umim to udelat uplne perfektne, ale kdyz na me vytahnou kameru, tak se preci jenom jeste trosinku stydim ... ;-)

Relaxing Time

cuddling with my two legged brother

mazleni s mym dvounohym braskou

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My First Bath

today i had my first bath. well, first one in my new pack. i did not feel like having one just today so i decided to make it bit complicated for J. first i tried to climb out from the bathtub. unfortunately it was sliding too much and i still cannot really jump up high especially not all wet and soapy. but the worse was to come yet. after the bath J said i h.a.v.e. to be hairblow dried. nonsense! she kept saying that i have a hair that needs special grooming attention and hairblow drying is part of it. i was decided  not to let that to happen. i fought with all my power. i bit. i was moving as much as i could. i even tried to choke! that worked at first as J thought i am really choking but she figured out it was just a trick i played on her and so she continued stubbornly to hairblow dry me. it was practicaly by the end of the whole process that i gave up. when it was all over i got lots of kisses and a treat. that part i liked.

dneska jsem se poprve koupal. tedy poprve co jsem v moji nove smecce. jenze zrovna dneska jsem tedy na koupani nemel vubec naladu! tak jsem se rozhodl, ze se jen tak nedam. nejdriv jsem chtel vylezt z vany mokry a namydleny, ale klouzalo mi to a takhle vysoko zatim skakat neumim. po koupani prislo jeste neco horsiho - FEN. fuj. J mi tvrdila, ze se musim vyfenovat, protoze mam nejakou extra srst a musime o ni dobre pecovat. takovy nesmysly. tak jsem se rozhodl branit. 
nejdriv jsem se vsemozne a vehemetne hrabal a kroutil. pak jsem kousal. pak jsem ze zoufalstvi predstiral, ze se dusim. nejdriv to zabralo. J vypnula tu hruzu a zkoumala me. tak jsem kuckal a kuckal, abych ji dokazal, ze me to fenovani docista zabije. ale prokoukla me. doslo ji, ze figluju a zase tu hruzu tesne pred koncem jsem to vzdal. kdyz bylo po vsem tak jsem dostal hodne pusinek a muj oblibeny piskutek.

for those who could think that i am ehmmm large ... 
no way. it is all just my beautiful hair 

jen tak pro ty, kterym bych se mohl zdat sirsich rozmeru ...
kdepak, to delaji vsechno moje krasne chlupy 

after having received the yumy treat

olizuji se po dobrem piskutku za odmenu

no no no! i will not smile now!
(after such a terrible experience)

ne a ne a ne, ted se usmivat nebudu!
(po takovem hroznem zazitku)

Playing Tag At War

today i played, again, my favorite game tag at war when J was cleaning, sometimes she needs to lift me up in order to clean the floor. what does she think that i will pass so much fun and just let her sweep the floor withouth interfering?

dneska jsem take hral moc prima hru, kdyz J uklizela. nekdy me musi vzit do naruce a uklizet tou druhou rukou. no jo, copak si mysli, ze se nezapojim do tak bajecne hry?

                                         another one of me and my my favorite trampoline
                                         a zase jedna se mnou na me oblibene trampline

My New Ball

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Visit at the Veterinarian

today i visited the veterinarian. i was very well behaved. my shots are complete now. so right after the vet visit i went to socialize with 5 months old cockerspaniel. all these experiences made me sooooo tired so i needed a big nap later on.

dneska jsem byl u veterinare. byl jsem velmi hodny. mam kompletni vakcinku a muzu konecne socializovat s ostatnimi pejsky. hned jsem to vyzkousel s 5ti mesicnim kokrspanelem. nakonec jsem byl tak vycerpany, ze jsem si musel jit dal pekne dlouheho slofika.

Getting ready for some grooming

pred cesanim ...

Thursday, April 16, 2015


i love this trampoline in the garden

tahle trampolina v nasi zahrade je desne super

How I Ride In A Car

so today i went for a ride with J. i had to put a real seatbelt. oh my! you can tell i am not very excited about this idea. so i just decided to sleep. 

dneska jsem jel s J autem. pry, abych si zacal zvykat. ach jo. vubec se mi nelibilo, ze jsem musel mit pas. tak jsem si radeji lehnul a spal. 

later on i had to go for another car ride with J. smartly she realised that i need something more cozy to feel safe. so i got this lovely basket. now we are talking! i think the car rides will be fine after all.

odpoledne jsme jeste jednou jeli autem. J si uvedomila, ze jsem male stenatko, ktere se potrebuje citit bezpecne a zahrabane (to miluju), a tak me nainstalovala tenhle prima kosik. mam tam take bezpecnosti pas a ani mi to nevadi. citim se tam prima a myslim, ze se mi to cestovani s J bude nakonec i libit.

How I Ask For A Treat

well, this is how nicely i can ask for a treat. J likes to practice these things with me. however she can not take any credit for teaching me this trick as i already knew it from my lovely breeder! ;-) 

takhle pekne umim prosit (tedy jeste lepe, ale J se to spatne jednou rukou fotilo). J to se mnou moc rada cvici, a uci me uz i jine kousky, ale to proseni si nemuze pripsat ke sve zasluze, protoze to me naucila uz moje mila pani chovatelka! ;-)

My New Home

after a long trip our pack arrived to our new home. at least to my new home. the pack knows the place and i recognized it right away as it smelled like my pack. here are some pics of me in the house and in the garden. ohh i must tell you i did learn about lawn mowers today. phewww what a monster. but actually it did not attack me. just J seemed to be fighting it with it a lot. never mind i was busy analyzing and decoding the smells in the garden.

po dlouhe ceste nase smecka dorazila do naseho noveho domova. noveho tedy pro me. zbytek smecky to tu uz zna. ja jsem hned poznal kde jsme, protoze to tu vonelo moji smeckou. tady se muzete podivat na par obrazku z meho noveho domova a take ze zahrady. jeee, abych nezapomnel, dneska jsem se seznamil se sekackou. to je teda obluda. ale nijak mi neublizila. J s ni tedy dost zapasila. ale ja jsem u toho moc neasistoval, musel jsem se postarat o analyzu zahrady.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My First Time In The Garden

today ( april 3) i experienced the joy of freedom and discovery in the garden. i do not have all my vaccination just yet and my pack tells me that i must avoid contact with dogs for two more weeks. but i am allowed in the garden and that is just amazing. the smells. the grass. the fresh air. i looooove it.
(this is still in Czech Republic in the garden of the family but our new home is actually going to be in Belgium. the pack will travel soon)

dnes, 3. dubna, jsem se poprve vydal na vyzkum zahrady. nemam jeste dokoncenou kompletni vakcinku, a tak mi smecka rika, ze se musim jeste dva tydny vyhnout kontaktu s ostatnimi pejsky. ale na zahradu muzu a to je taaaak super. ty vune. ta trava. ten cerstvy vzduch. miluju to. to je parada.
(tahle zahrada patri rodine moji smecky v Cechach, ale nas novy domov bude v Belgii. nase smecka bude brzo cestovat)

 of course i got really tired after exploring everything so i needed a well deserved rest

First Time With My New Family March 31, 2015

so here came the day my new family arrived to pick me. it was bit stressful to leave everything i have ever known behind, my parents, my little brother, the lovely lady that took care of us, the familiar smells ... but since i am rather a zen guy i just went with the flow and i did not even cry. soon i understood that when one door closes another one opens and the new door i went through did not look so bad actually. i got lots of kisses and attention. lots of new toys, how cool!, new mom and dad and even a new brother. ok they do not have four legs like me but they love me and i think we are actually going to be a great pack together

a nastal ten den, kdy si pro me prijela moje nova rodinka. bylo to trochu stresujici opustit vse co jsem doposud znal, moje rodice, meho maleho brasku, bezva pani chovatelku, vsechny zname pachy a zvuky ... ale protoze jsem docela zen tak jsem se nechal unaset proudem a ani jsem neplakal. brzo jsem pochopil, ze kdyz se jedny dvere zavrou jine se otevrou. a ty nove dvere, kterymi jsem prosel vypadaly docela dobre. dostalo se mi spoustu pozornosti, pusinek. dostal jsem nove hracky (jupii), novou maminku a noveho tatinka a dokonce i noveho brasku. ok nemaji ctyri nohy jako ja, ale miluji me a ja si myslim, ze budeme dohromady tvorit vybornou smecku

I am growing

i was born from litter L and so my name is Lamont but everyone calls me Montik

narodil jsem se z vrhu L a me jmeno je Lamont, ale vsichni mi rikaji Montik nebo Monticek

Me And My Brothers

and so we were born on a lovely January Day (1.18.2015)

narodili jsme se jednoho krasneho zimniho lednoveho dne (18.1.2015)

How It All Started

My Mom and Dad

Hanynka and Arvinek, from Sumperk, Czech Republic (breeder Mrs. D. Schwarzerova)

Moji rodice

Hanynka a Arvinek od pani chovatelky pani Dasi Schwarzerove ze Sumperka