Saturday, December 19, 2015


life got way too busy around here lately so just a few pictures my dear friends
to sum up November

Monday, October 19, 2015

October Review

don't you just love october? the leaves, the brisk air, the colours of the sky, the pumpkins, the apples ... awww ...

September review

september went by fast. here are few pics to show how i grow❤️

Summer Holidays!

i know. i know.
it's been a while but here i am to at least show some pictures from our summer holidays. we had fun. we had sun. it was great❤️

ja vim, ja vim.
dlouho jsem se nehlasil, ale tady jsou fotky z letnich prazdnin. meli jsme legraci. meli jsme slunicko. bylo to perfektni ❤️

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Invitation To Play

this is how i invite J to play running and catch me if you can ... lol
takhle vyzyvam J k honicce ...

and after a good run i need to take a little rest of course
a po poradne honicce si musim trochu odpocinout 

Enjoying Summer

After a Bath

all clean and lovely smelling once a more :-)
a zase cistounky a vonavounky :-)

Surviving The Heat Wave

Hi! From a Walk