Sunday, May 3, 2015

Warning to all Cotons de Tulear

my friends if you ever see that your human pack is looking up in this book and at this pictures beware and run and hide. because surely enough they will want to pull your hair out of the inside of your ears! yes, it is even worse then what it sounds. no it does not hurt at all. here are few tips how you can try to avoid this horrible experience
- struggle and wriggle
- move your head from side to side as fast as you can - very important
- snap at their hands
if none of these help try the following
- scream, scream so loud that their blood will freeze in their veins
if this does not help then there is only one last thing to do
- surrender
if you stay still and quiet it does not take much time actually and as i said it does not hurt
good luck!

VAROVANI pro vsechny me pratele bavlnacky

kdybyste nekdy uvideli vasi lidskou smecku jak se diva do vyse uvedene knihy, tak utikejte. rychle se schovejte. vubec nevahejte a nevylezejte dokud to jen jde. protoze jestli jen na chvilku zavahate, tak vas vase milujici smecka odchytne a bude vam analyzovat ouska, a horsi vec je, ze s velkou pravdepodobnosti vam z tech ousek bude vyrthavat chlupy! ano slysite me dobre. ne neboli to, ale takove ponizeni, no uznejte. pripravil jsem pro vas navod jak se takove situaci vyhnout.
- hrabte se, hybejte se, krutte se jak jen to jde
- hazejte hlavou ze strany na stranu, to je velmi dulezite!
- ohanejte se zoubkama po jejich rukach
pokud ani jedno z vyse uvedenych nepomuze, tak vyzkousejte toto
- kricte, kricte z plnych plic, tak, ze jim ztuhne krev v zilach (to trochu funguje, alespon to tuhnuti te krve v tech zilach)
no a pokud ani tohle nepomuze, tak mate posledni moznost
- vzdejte to, zustante v klidu a cekejte, ono to zase tak dlouho netrva a jak uz jsem zminil, tak to neboli

hodne stesti!