Wednesday, April 15, 2015

First Time With My New Family March 31, 2015

so here came the day my new family arrived to pick me. it was bit stressful to leave everything i have ever known behind, my parents, my little brother, the lovely lady that took care of us, the familiar smells ... but since i am rather a zen guy i just went with the flow and i did not even cry. soon i understood that when one door closes another one opens and the new door i went through did not look so bad actually. i got lots of kisses and attention. lots of new toys, how cool!, new mom and dad and even a new brother. ok they do not have four legs like me but they love me and i think we are actually going to be a great pack together

a nastal ten den, kdy si pro me prijela moje nova rodinka. bylo to trochu stresujici opustit vse co jsem doposud znal, moje rodice, meho maleho brasku, bezva pani chovatelku, vsechny zname pachy a zvuky ... ale protoze jsem docela zen tak jsem se nechal unaset proudem a ani jsem neplakal. brzo jsem pochopil, ze kdyz se jedny dvere zavrou jine se otevrou. a ty nove dvere, kterymi jsem prosel vypadaly docela dobre. dostalo se mi spoustu pozornosti, pusinek. dostal jsem nove hracky (jupii), novou maminku a noveho tatinka a dokonce i noveho brasku. ok nemaji ctyri nohy jako ja, ale miluji me a ja si myslim, ze budeme dohromady tvorit vybornou smecku